Monday, July 23, 2007

Hopefully Last post from Kovalum

This older fisherman was talking with me and describing the kind of fish they used to catch when he was younger. He was quite friendly. I felt sad for him to have his way of life diminished so dramatically.

In India you can buy ready made clothes, but you are more likely to have something tailored for yourself. They have stores everywhere. This was one waiting for business back behind our hotel in a labyrinth of paths. He agreed to have his picture taken. The sewing machines are all pedal operated (not electrical pedal).

Ahh, Anna exists. I forget to pop into my photos, but here I am. Leigh and I went on a little adventure at dusk, winding our way through back paths away from the beach. It is a bizarre mix of beautiful, ill-kempt, new and homey.

India is the home of the squatty potty. At the German Bakery where we have eaten almost every day for breakfast, they have this fabulous sign explaining how to use it. Hilarious.

I am feeling pretty sick again and have reinstated my cipro regimen. But, Leigh and I are planning on traveling all day tomorrow to go back to Rajakkadu. We have the diary finished!!! It is beautiful, truly we are quite proud of it. I finished the facilitation manual yesterday and there is just data capture pages and the spreadsheet left to pump out today. Oh, and our three powerpoint presentations on programs, evaluation and ILS diaries. It feels good to have some of this finished. Wish us luck on the training portion of it. Ideally, we'll have our laptops running, but given the monsoons, we are printing all the slides now so we can present off of them just in case.
Graham is coming to me so soon. I can hardly tell you how excited I am to see him. I really had no idea how hard it would be to be separated for so long. I'm really looking forward to his arrival with me in Kochi on August 2. He'll be in Rajakkad with us for the final week of training before we all go our separate ways.
That's all for now. Keep the email coming, I like hearing about the summer I'm missing state-side.

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