Thursday, August 9, 2007

Graham Arrived!

Graham traveled brilliantly across the world to come be with me. The evening he arrived he wanted to go out on the town so we headed across the bay to Kochin Fort where the spice trade of India started in the 1500s with the arrival of one Vasco da Gama. It is a very touristy area, so we found a place offering traditional Kerala dancing in a condensed version which was meant to teach about the dance. I really enjoyed it. Poor Graham-man slept through a lot of it, but I got some neat pictures of the traditional costumes and movements. The green guy in the middle is for the dance called Kathakali, which means 'story play'. He is the epic character, usually godly in nature, such as Krishna, and plays a central role in these dances. Originally these dances would last all night long, but luckily this one was 1/2 hour.

Jet Lag hit this boy and when he laid down on this rough hewn wooden bench he exclaimed, "Ahhh, this feels so good, nice and comfy!" Yea right. :)

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