Sunday, June 24, 2007

A Few Things Worth Noting

LP Gas from CNG
Five years ago you could hardly breath in Delhi (according to the locals), it was smog central. Then the government dictated that all rickshaws and public buses and trucks (a very large percentage of the vehicles on the road) must convert to using LP gas, which I am told burns to produce water as a by product. So the city busses all have a sign on them pronouncing environmental cleanliness and at first glance you think it couldn’t possibly be true, but then you really do notice that Delhi is not nearly as polluted as it should be. Truly, a nice feature of an “overly” strong government. Perhaps our government should take some initiative in the market and see what happens?

Male Affection
It is not uncommon to see men walking arm in arm or holding hands or having their arms around each other. I think it’s really nice. Men don’t have such great camaraderie at home, they’re too busy being homophobic. Granted some of it is a product of keeping women so locked up that they aren’t around to walk hand in hand with, but there’s an expectation of affectionate brotherhood here that is noticeable.

Electricity You can tell the poor neighborhoods from the wealthier ones in Delhi just by looking at the electrical lines. In Helzi’s neighborhood, they look mostly regular with only a few additional lines added. In the innercity area of Delhi, Paharganj, they look like this. All of the people who can’t afford to pay for it have rigged their own system of leeching off the public lines

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