Friday, June 8, 2007

I made a successful first foray into the city. Leigh and I joined three other students here in Delhi and we are all staying in one flat with our professor Helzi and her room mate Sunanya. With the aid of one of the other girls, Leigh and I have taken a rickshaw ride, gotten cash at an ATM, gotten a cell phone into working order and bought some Indian clothing. I think I will keep this short, but here are some fast facts:
1. Tomorrow’s high temperature is 46 degrees Celsius – I dare you to look it up.
2. When roti bread is made it poofs up like a balloon.
3. Finding Indian pants that fit is a disorienting experience, seek advice of nearby Indians.
4. Drink lots of water. Then a little bit more. Then more still.
5. In order to receive a cell phone plan here you must give a copy of your passport and a photo of yourself – for security reasons?
Namaste! ("bye" in Hindi)


Valerie said...

Wow, it was a year ago that I was doing the exact same things you are doing, without being imprisoned in Russia. Sorry I missed that one.

Have you been to M Block and N Block markets yet? I see you made it to FabIndia.

Anagram Mirth said...

You're so CUTE! Nice clothes, my love.

So you got the cell phone to work? Sweet.

Teresa said...

It is good to hear from you AND to see the great pictures. Some of it has reminded me of my own experiences in India. The death-defying driving, crowded spaces, street merchants, and Taj Mahal have given me momentary reflections.

I remember the day after a parade in Sri Lanka, a young gentleman commented on the train that he noticed me the night before at the parade. At first I was greatly flattered until I realized that I was one of only two white people in the crowd. How could he miss us!!

By the way what is your email address?

Harry's heading to Oregon tomorrow for Jordan's graduation. He's really looking forward to the time with your family.